Soft Matter and Complex Systems Seminar
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Małgorzata Domańska, Kamil Gmiterek, Malek Harb, Zlatica Kalužná, Jan Kołodziejczyk, Marcin Pruszczyk (IFT UW)
Student talks
On Friday 28 January 2022 at 9:30 AM we are hosting the final seminar of this term, during which we will hear short presentations by:
Małgorzata Domańska
Flash introduction to Magnetorheology
Magnetic Soft Matter is a quickly evolving discipline with fundamental and experimental interest. This is due to the fact that its physical properties can be easily controlled through external magnetic fields. In this flash talk I would like to present a short introduction to this kind of materials and their properties. My talk will be based on publication:
Morillas, J. R., & de Vicente, J. (2020). Magnetorheology: a review. Soft Matter, 16(42), 9614–9642. [doi:10.1039/d0sm01082k]
Kamil Gmiterek
Weak solutions of Euler equations in 2D
The global existence of classical solutions of Euler equations for sufficiently smooth initial data was proven by Wolibner. In 2D case (where vorticity can be treated as a scalar) Yudovich provided the global (in time) existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for initial data having bounded vorticity.
Malek Harb
Epileptic seizures
Epileptic seizures: signs, causes, mechanisms. The simulation of these seizures in the NEURON simulation environment (simulation of Local Field Potentials).
Zlatica Kalužná
Molecular memristors
Growing demand for new devices is rapidly changing every day’s world with pressure for smaller and more effective circuit components. Low cost, long lifetime and outstanding performance properties are common in search for such devices. Miniaturization and combining several devices in one are solutions for our current needs. Molecular electronics offers a solution by miniaturization of devices into molecular scale.
Jan Kołodziejczyk
Stability and electronic structure of functionalized 2D molybdenum nitrides MXenes
MXenes are a relatively new family of low dimensional materials, which has been gaining more and more popularity in recent years. In this study ab initio DFT calculations are employed to determine the electronic structure and stability of bare and functionalized (with fluorine and oxygen atoms) two-dimensional molybdenum nitride from the MXene family. It occurs that functionalization has a significant impact on properties of these compounds, opening the band gap and leading to the emergence of semiconductivity.
Marcin Pruszczyk
Continuum mechanics of epithelial monolayers and bilayers
To investigate the mechanics of deformed biological tissues, one may ask for continuum theory, i.e. a continuous description of energy in terms of variables well-defined for a system, in which the tissues are treated as continuous entities. It is far from obvious whether linear elastic theory is sufficient for describing biological tissues. We derive the continuum theories from simple microscopic models of cellular interactions and look into the "devil in the detail", i.e. the dependence of the continuum theories on the details of the underlying microscopic models.
The seminar will be held on Zoom
Małgorzata Domańska
Flash introduction to Magnetorheology
Magnetic Soft Matter is a quickly evolving discipline with fundamental and experimental interest. This is due to the fact that its physical properties can be easily controlled through external magnetic fields. In this flash talk I would like to present a short introduction to this kind of materials and their properties. My talk will be based on publication:
Morillas, J. R., & de Vicente, J. (2020). Magnetorheology: a review. Soft Matter, 16(42), 9614–9642. [doi:10.1039/d0sm01082k]
Kamil Gmiterek
Weak solutions of Euler equations in 2D
The global existence of classical solutions of Euler equations for sufficiently smooth initial data was proven by Wolibner. In 2D case (where vorticity can be treated as a scalar) Yudovich provided the global (in time) existence and uniqueness of weak solutions for initial data having bounded vorticity.
Malek Harb
Epileptic seizures
Epileptic seizures: signs, causes, mechanisms. The simulation of these seizures in the NEURON simulation environment (simulation of Local Field Potentials).
Zlatica Kalužná
Molecular memristors
Growing demand for new devices is rapidly changing every day’s world with pressure for smaller and more effective circuit components. Low cost, long lifetime and outstanding performance properties are common in search for such devices. Miniaturization and combining several devices in one are solutions for our current needs. Molecular electronics offers a solution by miniaturization of devices into molecular scale.
Jan Kołodziejczyk
Stability and electronic structure of functionalized 2D molybdenum nitrides MXenes
MXenes are a relatively new family of low dimensional materials, which has been gaining more and more popularity in recent years. In this study ab initio DFT calculations are employed to determine the electronic structure and stability of bare and functionalized (with fluorine and oxygen atoms) two-dimensional molybdenum nitride from the MXene family. It occurs that functionalization has a significant impact on properties of these compounds, opening the band gap and leading to the emergence of semiconductivity.
Marcin Pruszczyk
Continuum mechanics of epithelial monolayers and bilayers
To investigate the mechanics of deformed biological tissues, one may ask for continuum theory, i.e. a continuous description of energy in terms of variables well-defined for a system, in which the tissues are treated as continuous entities. It is far from obvious whether linear elastic theory is sufficient for describing biological tissues. We derive the continuum theories from simple microscopic models of cellular interactions and look into the "devil in the detail", i.e. the dependence of the continuum theories on the details of the underlying microscopic models.
The seminar will be held on Zoom