Seminarium Optyczne
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dr hab. Jan Masajada (Wydział Podstawowych Problemów Techniki Politechniki Wrocławskiej)
Optical vortices in microscopy
Seminarium z użyciem połączenia internetowego (meeting ID: 97696726563, password: 314297)
In this presentation the question of optical vortices (OVs) application in vortex microscopy isdiscussed, starting from a short historical background. Next the Optical Vortex ScanningMicroscope (OVSM) developed by Singular Optics Group (SOG) is presented. All microscopicsystems based on OVs are still under development with no guarantee of final success. Thus, thepresentation is a short report on an ongoing project, but not a final solution.The OVSM is based on the Mach-Zender interferometer with carrier frequency. The conventionalGaussian beam (from He-Ne laser) passes through the spiral phase plate and is focused on thesample plane, where it interacts with the investigated object. The sample plane is magnified andimaged to the CCD camera. The interferometer’s reference arm enables detection of the interferencefringes, from which the internal structure of the object beam can be recovered.The crucial steps in the OVSM development are presented. The new scanning technique namedinternal scanning method (ISM) is also discussed. The ISM enables scanning the sample just byvortex point, while the whole focused beam stays in place. The method is sensitive and resistant tomechanical vibration. The first images taken with resolution exceeding the classical diffraction limitare shown. At this stage the simple phase structures can be imaged. The possible directions of theOVSM development are discussed in brief.