Exact Results in Quantum Theory
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Joseph C. Schindler (UC Santa Cruz)
Penrose diagrams for explicit models of black hole evaporation
(joint seminar with UJ and UAM)
Though a full description of black hole radiation may require quantum gravity, many analyses of BH evaporation still involve, either implicitly or explicitly, key assumptions about some classical BH spacetime, often expressed in the form of (Penrose) spacetime diagrams. In this talk we discuss how such diagrams can be exactly generated for specific models - providing detailed depictions of both local and global structure - and ask what can be learned by doing so. We compare naive models to those approximating a semiclassical back reaction, as well as comparing singular and curvature-regulated models. We then consider implications for various unitarity questions including long term and Page time unitarity, and identify some open questions for further discussion.
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Meeting ID: 892 7857 6239
Passcode: 478557