Seminarium Optyczne
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dr hab. Michał Tomza (IFT UW)
Accurate ab initio molecular calculations for ultracold scattering experiments
I will present how molecular electronic structure and quantum scattering calculationscan support and explain ultracold quantum physics experiments. Quantum-chemicalcalculations of potential energy curves, permanent and transition electric dipolemoments, fine and hyperfine coupling constants provide parameters for effectiveHamiltonians describing nuclear dynamics. Multichannel quantum scatteringcalculations give scattering lengths, elastic, inelastic, and reactive rate constants. Iwill discuss the capabilities and limits of state-of-the-art methods applied to neutraland ionic systems based on alkali-metal and alkaline-earth-metal atoms, and presentour recent results for ongoing experimental efforts
Seminarium z użyciem połączenia internetowego ID: 97696726563, password: 314297)