Exact Results in Quantum Theory
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Paweł Duch (UAM Poznan)
Infrared problem in relativistic QED
I will present a proposal for a rigorous construction of the scattering matrix in perturbative relativistic quantum electrodynamics. The construction uses adiabatic switching of the interaction and is inspired by ideas from the modified scattering theory in quantum mechanics. The constructed scattering matrix is defined in the standard Fock space and is translationally invariant as well as gauge invariant. However, the physical interpretation of states in the Fock space and the representation of the group of spacetime translations acting in this space are nonstandard.
Zoom link: 872 5064 1990
Passcode: 117994
Zoom link: 872 5064 1990
Passcode: 117994
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87250641990?pwd=RTNsQlVsUkhuRkVQc3hIZ3VVT3Fudz09