Seminarium Fizyki Ciała Stałego
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
prof. dr hab. T. Czyszanowski (Instytut Fizyki Politechniki Łódzkiej)
“Emitted power enhancement of laser by breaking the circular symmetry of the optical aperture ”
Emitted power enhancement of laser by breaking the circular symmetry of the optical apertureA. Brejnak, M. Gębski, M. Marciniak, M. Wasiak, J. Muszalski,J. A. Lott, I. Fischer, T. CzyszanowskiBreaking the circular symmetry of standard semiconductor vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers’ apertures can boost their output power by more than 60% and raise their quantum efficiency by more than 10%. We explain these enhancements for certain deformations of laser circular apertures by a more uniform light intensity profile within the optical aperture due to emergence of wave chaos and a more uniform spectral distribution of the density of optical states (modes).By this work we show that the efficiency of stimulated emission can be enhanced by engineering the spectral structure of the optical resonators in general. Similar approach is used already to enhance spontaneous emission of light-emitting diodes, but has been left unexplored in the context of the stimulated emission of lasers.UwagaSeminarium w trybie HybrydowymFaculty of Physics room 0.06link to remote mode:óły patrz instrukcja :instrukcja: (pdf file)AttentionThe seminar in the Hybrid modeFaculty of Physics room 0.06for details see instruction :instruction: (pdf file)