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Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"

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2022-03-31 (12:15) Calendar icon
Kai Schmitz (CERN)

Big Bang Chemistry and the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe

The chemical equilibrium in the early Universe dynamically evolves in dependence of the steadily decreasing temperature of the Standard Model plasma. At high temperatures, when the rate of many Standard Model interactions cannot compete with the fast expansion rate, the chemical transport in the plasma is in particular characterized by a large number of global charges that only become violated at lower temperatures. This observation leads to a new perspective on the necessary conditions for the successful generation of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU). As I will show in this talk, it turns out that the BAU cannot only be generated in "baryogenesis" or "baryogenesis via leptogenesis", but also in "baryogenesis via leptogenesis via chargegenesis", which starts out from the generation of one or several of the many global charges that are available at high temperatures. This new scenario significantly relaxes the Sakharov conditions and opens up a new window to a plethora of model-building opportunities. As an example of "chargegenesis", I will consider axion inflation, which can give rise to global charges at high temperatures that are subsequently converted by right-handed-neutrino interactions to a new B-L-violating chemical equilibrium at low temperatures. In the last part of the talk, I will discuss how this new mechanism of B-L violation ("wash-in leptogenesis", see 2011.09347) can be generalized to the generation of flavored B-L charges, even if the total B-L charge remains zero in all sectors and at all times ("wash-in leptoflavorgenesis", see 2111.03082). In both cases, weak sphaleron processes are then responsible for the final conversion from (flavored) baryon-minus-lepton number to baryon number.
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