Seminarium Optyczne
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Damian Michalik (Instytut Geofizyki WF UW)
Free-form nanostructured core optical fibers
The lecture will present the potential of free-form refractive index modification in optical fibers based on thenanostructurizaton method, mainly in the telecommunication sector. Considering the current research state,possibilities of methods used so far, four types of free-form optical fibers were proposed; hybrid optical fiber,polarization-maintaining fiber, large mode area polarization-maintaining fiber, and few-mode fiber. Allstructures are composed of pure silica glass elements with appropriate doping levels of germanium dioxideand possibly fluorine. In this way, the refractive index of silica glass can be increased (GeO2) or decreased(F), making it possible to modify the optical fiber parameters. By using these types of glass, the positiveaspects of low attenuation and thermal matching during processing are simultaneously preserved. Thepresented fibers have been optimized and numerically tested. Two of the proposed fibers were fabricated bya modified stack-and-draw technology and studied experimentally
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