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Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"

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2022-04-28 (12:15) Calendar icon
Toshinori Matsui (KIAS, Seul)

Flavor dependent U(1) symmetric Zee model

We have extended the Zee model by introducing a vector-like lepton doublet with a flavor-dependent global U(1) symmetry. Due to the U(1) symmetry, flavor-changing neutral currents in the quark sector can be naturally forbidden at tree level, while a sufficient amount of lepton flavor violation allows satisfying current neutrino oscillation data. In our model, additional sources of CP-violation appear in the lepton sector, but their contribution to electric dipole moments is much smaller than current experimental bounds due to the Yukawa structure constrained by the U(1) symmetry. We have found that there is a parameter region where the strongly first order EW phase transition can be realized, which is necessary for the successful scenario of the EW baryogenesis in addition to new CP-violating phases. Finally, the detail of collider phenomenology is discussed.
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