Exact Results in Quantum Theory
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Paolo Meda (Universita di Genova)
Semiclassical Gravity in Cosmology and Black Hole Physics
Semiclassical Gravity and Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes describe the propagation of a quantum matter field over classical curved spacetimes. Solutions of the so-called semiclassical Einstein equations, which govern the interplay between matter and geometry in the semiclassical regime, incorporate the backreaction of the quantum field on the background geometry. In this talk, I present some applications of the semiclassical Einstein equations in the framework of Cosmology and Black Hole Physics. In the former case, the proof of existence and uniqueness of local cosmological solutions is reviewed for a free massive scalar field arbitrary coupled with the curvature. In the latter case, the evaporation of spherically symmetric dynamical black holes sourced by the quantum trace anomaly is shown for a free massless, conformally coupled scalar field. Finally, the linear stability of semiclassical theories of gravity with higher-order derivative terms is discussed in a toy model, which mimics the evolution induced by semiclassical Einstein equations in physically relevant backgrounds, such as cosmological spacetimes.
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