Exact Results in Quantum Theory
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Elek Csobo (University of Innsbruck)
On blowup for the energy supercritical quadratic wave equation
We study the singularity formation for the focusing quadratic wave equation in the energy supercritical case, i.e., for d ≥ 7. We establish the existence of a new, non-trivial, self-similar blow-up solution u∗ in explicit form. For d = 9, we investigate the stability of u∗ without any symmetry assumptions on the initial data and show that there is a family of perturbations that leads to blow-up via u∗. In similarity coordinates, this family corresponds to a co-dimension one Lipschitz manifold modulo translation symmetries. This is a joint work with Birgit Sch ̈orkhuber and Irfan Glogic.
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