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Seminarium Optyczne

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2022-05-12 (10:15) Calendar icon
Alessio Ciamei (INO-CNR & LENS)

Resonantly interacting Fermi mixtures of Li6 and Cr53 and formation of ultracold Li6Cr53 Feshbach dimers

We report on the realization of resonantly interacting Fermi mixtures of Li6 and Cr53atoms and the formation of Li6Cr53 bosonic Feshbach dimers. Employing a set of50 Feshbach resonances, observed in several spin combinations between 0 G and1500 G, we develop an accurate quantum collisional model for our system. From thiswe derive scattering lengths and unobserved resonance locations for Li6-Cr53, andprovide accurate predictions for the collisional properties of other Li-Cr isotopicpairs. We identify and characterize a set of strong s-wave resonances, essentiallyimmune to two-body inelastic losses, and obtain a magnetic field width of about0.5 G, in agreement with our model prediction. Exploiting one of these resonances,we show resonant tuning of inter-species elastic interactions in a thermal sample.Finally, we explain how we can reach simultaneous quantum degeneracy in ourmixture, and magneto-associate up to 30·103 Li6Cr53 Feshbach dimers. Our workpaves the way to the observation of novel few- and many-body phenomena in mass-imbalanced Fermi gases, and to the realization of ultracold samples of Li6Cr53ground-state molecules featuring both electric and magnetic dipole moments.
Seminarium z użyciem połączenia internetowego ID: 97696726563, password: 314297)


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