Seminarium Optyczne
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Stanisław Kurdziałek (IFT UW)
Back to sources—the role of losses and coherence in super-resolution imaging revisited
Photon losses are intrinsic for any translationally invariant optical imaging systemwith a non-trivial Point Spread Function, and the relation between the transmissionfactor and the coherence properties of an imaged object is universal – we demonstratethe rigorous proof of this statement, based on the principles of quantum mechanics.The fundamental limit on the precision of estimating separation between two partiallycoherent sources is then derived. The careful study of the role of photon losses allowsto resolve conflicting claims present in previous works. We compute the QuantumFisher Information for the generic model of optical 4f imaging system, and use priorconsiderations to validate the result for a general, translationally invariant imagingapparatus.
Seminarium z użyciem połączenia internetowego ID: ID 97696726563, password: 314297)