Seminarium Fizyki Ciała Stałego
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
prof. Anatolii Belous (V.I.Vernadskii Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv)
Functional materials based on oxide systems
The report is focused on two types of functional materials: «HIGH-Q MICROWAVE DIELECTRICS» and «Ferromagnetic Nanostructures: Synthesis and Properties».In the first part of the report, there are the requirements to the parameters of MW dielectrics. It was shown that dielectrics, which have only the optical and infrared (IR) mechanisms of polarization, can possess small dielectric loses in MW range. However, IR mechanism of polarization leads to the significant temperature instability of electrophysical properties that does not satisfy the practical requirements. Different approaches are considered for the development of MW dielectrics, which would be characterized with the high values of dielectric constant, small dielectric loses and high thermal stability. Particularly, it was shown the possibility to realize the simultaneous existing the harmonic and anharmonic modes of oscillation in the structure of potassium-tungsten bronze with the complicated sub-lattices that allow significantly increasing the thermal stability of their properties. Firstly-developed multiphase systems, which high thermal stability of the properties is achieved by the effect of the volume thermal compensation. Various resonance elements for the devices of modern wireless connection (radio-filters, solid-state generators etc.) are prepared based on the developed new MW materials.The second part of the report consider the conditions of obtaining the weakly-agglomerated ferromagnetic nanoparticles with different structures. Composite resonance elements and magnetic fluids are developed based on them. The origin of the high SLP values (specific loss power) in the magnetic nanoparticles is also discussed. Examples of application of ferromagnetic nanoparticles in engineering and medicine are also demonstrated in this report.UwagaSeminarium w trybie HybrydowymFaculty of Physics room 0.06link to remote mode:óły patrz instrukcja :instrukcja: (pdf file)AttentionThe seminar in the Hybrid modeFaculty of Physics room 0.06for details see instruction :