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Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"

sala 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5
2022-05-26 (12:15) Calendar icon
Rafał Masełek (IFT UW)

Supersymmetric muon g-2 with/without stable neutralino

We investigate a possibility to explain the discrepancy between the Standard Model predictions and the observed value of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon within unorthodox SUSY scenarios in which neutralinos are unstable. We start by reviewing the muon g-2 calculations in the MSSM and confront it with the most up-to-date experimental constraints. We find out that the next generation of direct detection DM experiments combined with the current LHC results will ultimately test the parameter region that can explain the (g − 2)μ anomaly in the MSSM. Next, we study R-parity violating and gauge-mediated SUSY-breaking scenarios with unstable neutralinos. These models do not provide a viable DM candidate, which allows them to evade the DM constraints. We find that in RPV and GMSB with slepton NLSP the LHC constraints are weaker, and a large region of parameter space can explain the observed anomaly and evade experimental limits.


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