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Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej

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2022-05-27 (12:15) Calendar icon
Pierbiagio Pieri (University of Bologna)

FFLO correlations in polarized ultracold Fermi gases (ONLINE)

Quite generally, an imbalance between the densities of spin-up and spin-down fermions hinders pairing and superfluidity in two-component attractive Fermi gases. The Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase, in which pairs condense at a finite value of center-of-mass momentum to compensate for the mismatch of the two Fermi surfaces, was proposed many years ago as a possible superfluid phase compatible with a finite polarization. In this talk, I will discuss how significant precursor FFLO fluctuation effects appear already in the normal phase of polarized Fermi gases, and how they could be observed experimentally. At zero temperature, I will also discuss how the quasi-particle parameters of the normal Fermi gas are changed when approaching an FFLO quantum critical point. Within a fully self-consistent t-matrix approach, we find that the quasi-particle residues vanish and the effective masses diverge at the FFLO quantum critical point, with a complete breakdown of the quasi-particle picture that is similar to what is found in heavy-fermion materials at an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point. For the meeting link contact Pawel Jakubczyk.


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