Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego
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prof. Anu Kankainen (University of Jyväskylä, Finlandia)
Studies for nuclear structure and astrophysics with the JYFLTRAP Penning trap
The JYFLTRAP double Penning trap mass spectrometer at the Ion Guide Isotope Separator On-Line (IGISOL) facility offers excellent possibilities for high-precision mass measurements relevant both for nuclear structure and astrophysics. Around 400 atomic masses, including around 50 isomeric states, have been measured with JYFLTRAP. Ions of interest are typically produced via proton-induced fission on uranium or fusion-evaporation reactions using beams delivered from the K-130 cyclotron at the JYFL Accelerator Laboratory. Recently, multinucleon-transfer reactions have also been tested at IGISOL. In addition to mass measurements, JYFLTRAP has been used as a high-resolution mass separator for decay spectroscopy experiments as well as an ion counter for fission yield studies. In this presentation, I will give an overview of recent activities with selected highlights from JYFLTRAP at IGISOL.
Seminarium odbędzie się zdalnie na zoom-ie. Link jest dostępny od 10.00:
Seminarium odbędzie się zdalnie na zoom-ie. Link jest dostępny od 10.00: