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Seminarium Optyczne

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2022-06-02 (10:15) Calendar icon
Klaudia Zaręmba-Kopczyk (IFT UW)

Ultracold mixtures of Cr and Li atoms: theoretical prospects for controlled atomic collisions and LiCr molecule formation

During the seminar, I will present the results of our theoretical investigation of the interatomicinteractions and ultracold collisions between chromium and lithium atoms. Using the coupledcluster and multireference configuration interaction methods, we calculate the potential energycurves and the permanent and transition electric dipole moments for the quartet, sextet, and octetelectronic states of the LiCr molecule correlated to the four lowest atomic dissociation limits. Weinvestigate the optical paths of forming deeply-bound LiCr molecules via photoassociation andstimulated Raman adiabatic passage. We propose precision measurements of the variation ofelectron-to-proton mass ratio using ultracold LiCr molecules. We predict the scattering lengths forthe ultracold spin-polarized Cr+Li collisions (37+29-22 bohr for 53Cr+6Li) governed by the a 8Σ+electronic state without any adjustment to experimental data and in good agreement with recentexperimental measurements. Finally, we calculate magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances forultracold 52Cr+6Li and 53Cr+6Li collisions and assess prospects for magnetoassociation into polarand highly magnetic LiCr molecules.
Seminarium z użyciem połączenia internetowego ID: ID 97696726563, password: 314297)


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