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Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej

sala 1.02, ul. Pasteura 5
2022-10-14 (12:15) Calendar icon
Aleksandra Ziółkowska (University of Oxford, UK)

Hydrodynamic Approach to Integrable Quantum Field Theory

Hydrodynamics allow for efficient computation of many-body dynamics and have been successfully used in the study of black hole horizons, collective behaviour of QCD matter in heavy ion collisions, and non-equilibrium behaviour in strongly-interacting condensed matter systems.I will present the application of hydrodynamics to quantum field theory with an infinite number of local conservation laws. Such an integrable system can be described within a recently developed framework of the generalised hydrodynamics. I will present the key assumptions of generalised hydrodynamics as well as summarise some recent developments in this field. In particular, I will concentrate on the study of the $SU(3)_2$-Homogeneous sine-Gordon model. Thanks to the hydrodynamic approach, we were able to identify the key dynamical signatures of unstable excitations in this integrable quantum field theory and simulate the real time RG-flow of the theory between interacting and free conformal regimes.


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