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Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"

sala 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5
2022-11-24 (12:15) Calendar icon
Basabendu Barman (IFT UW)

Gravity as portal to Reheating, Leptogenesis and Dark Matter

In this talk I will discuss how two long-standing problems of particle cosmology, namely, dark matter and baryon asymmetry can be simultaneosuly explained considering only gravity as an intermediate messenger between the dark sector and the Standard Model (SM), providing a minimal scenario that can produce not only the right amount of the dark matter and baryon asymmetry that we see today, but also gives rise to sufficiently hot thermal bath after inflation. I will show such a scenario can (a) provide a possible explanation for high energy IceCube neutrino events via decaying dark matter paradigm, and (b) be probed via proposed gravitational wave detectors like BBO, DECIGO, ET etc., thanks to the presence of detectable primordial gravitational wave spectrum. Finally, I will also dicuss a second scenario leading to a large spectrum of dark matter mass from a few keV to PeV via gravity portal.


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