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Seminarium z fizyki biologicznej i bioinformatyki

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2022-12-14 (15:15) Calendar icon
Łukasz Charzewski (PhD student, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw)

Structural characterization of MMP‐9 forms and their implications for activity regulation

Matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) is one of the most intensively studied zinc-dependent endopeptidases. As an exocellular proteolytic enzyme MMP-9 takes part in a vast number of physiological processes including angiogenesis, neural plasticity, or modulation of inflammatory processes. However, its overactivity can lead to neuronal damage, blood-brain-barrier opening, cancer progression or autoimmune diseases. The activity of secreted MMP-9 is controlled mainly on two levels: its proteolytic activation and inhibition by Tissue Inhibitors of MMP (TIMP) proteins. This talk will focus on structural aspects of a range of MMP-9 forms – monomers, homotrimers and NGAL-bound heterodimers in a context of interaction with TIMP-1, the primary MMP-9 inhibitor.
Meeting ID: 919 7615 3012
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Bogdan Lesyng (UW)
Anna Niedźwiecka (IF PAN)
Piotr Zielenkiewicz (IBB)


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