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Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej

sala 1.02, ul. Pasteura 5
2023-04-14 (12:15) Calendar icon
Ubaldo Cavazos-Olivas (IFT FUW)

Polaron and bipolaron formation in a Bose gas

Ultracold quantum many-body systems constitute an interesting research playground due to their wide range of applications, from precision measurements to transport phenomena in the context of condensed matter. One particular example are hybrid systems of atoms and ions, which are rapidly developing. A distinctive property of these kind of systems at ultralow temperature is the emergence of the so-called polaron. A quantum bath composed of bosonic atoms weakly coupled to an ion can be properly described by means of Bogoliubov theory. Nevertheless, this approach is no longer valid as soon as the strong coupling regime is taken into account, leading to an instability with an infinite number of bosons collapsing into the ion. Ion-atom systems feature long-range interactions which drive the system to form a many-body bound state with high density and large atom number. In order to explore this physics and circumvent the bosons unstable behavior, based on, a variational approach is adopted. Employing a regularized potential that retains the correct long-distance behavior, we study the properties of interest in the formation of ionic Bose polaron and bipolaron, such as their energy, the number of bosons that takes part in the cloud formation, and the induced interactions which are tunable by the potential parameters.


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