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Seminarium "The Trans-Carpathian Seminar on Geometry & Physics"

sala 2.23, ul. Pasteura 5
2023-05-17 (14:15) Calendar icon
Manuel de León (ICMAT-CSIC and Real Academia de Ciencias)

Brackets, nonholonomic mechanics and quantization

The nonholonomic dynamics can be described by the so-called nonholonomic bracket on the constrained submanifold, which is a non-integrable modification of the Poisson bracket of the ambient space, in this case, of the canonical bracket on the cotangent bundle of the configuration manifold. This bracket was defined using a convenient symplectic decomposition of the tangent bundle of the cotangent bundle over the constraint submanifold. On the other hand, another bracket, also called nonholonomic bracket, was defined using the description of the problem in terms of skew-symmetric algebroids. Recently, reviewing two older papers by R. J. Eden, we have defined a new bracket which we call Eden’s bracket. In this lecture, we prove that these three brackets coincide. Moreover, the description of the nonholonomic bracket à la Eden has allowed us to make important advances in the study of Hamilton Jacobi theory and the quantization of nonholonomic systems.


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