Konwersatorium im. J.Pniewskiego i L.Infelda
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
Dr hab. Barbara Piętka (Faculty of Physics, Unversity of Warsaw)
From Bose-Einstein condensates of polaritons to optical neurons
Bose-Einstein condensation is a phenomenon of a degenerate gas of bosons. For long time this branch of physics has been reserved for cold atoms. Since the realization of half-light-half-matter quasiparticles in optical cavities, so called exciton-polaritons, Bose-Einstein condensates can be observed at room temperature. Exciton-polaritons (in short polaritons) are quasiparticles resulting from coupling of light to an excitation in an optically active material. Polaritons can be formed in a wide range of materials from semiconductors to dielectrics filled with polymers, proteins or perovskites.
Polariton condensation is a non-linear process that is accompanied with strong laser-like emission from the cavity. This effect occurs at the ps timescale and at single pJ in pulse energy, making this system ideal to implement fast and energy efficient photonic data processing. I’ll discuss how this nonlinearity can be used for computation that mimic the operation of a human brain. I’ll show that optical microcavities in the strong light-matter coupling regime can behave as optical neurons.
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Polariton condensation is a non-linear process that is accompanied with strong laser-like emission from the cavity. This effect occurs at the ps timescale and at single pJ in pulse energy, making this system ideal to implement fast and energy efficient photonic data processing. I’ll discuss how this nonlinearity can be used for computation that mimic the operation of a human brain. I’ll show that optical microcavities in the strong light-matter coupling regime can behave as optical neurons.
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