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Soft Matter and Complex Systems Seminar

sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
2023-05-05 (09:30) Calendar icon
Tomasz Wacławczyk (MEiL PW)

On relation between sharp and diffusive interface models: statistical model of the interphase region

My seminar will concern physical, mathematical and numerical modeling of the physical system localized between two phases. In literature, this system is known as interface/interphase region. Basing on the recent experimental and (MD based) numerical results, I will argue that sharp and diffusive interface models used in fluid mechanics do not explain why topological changes (break up, coalescence) can be predicted so effectively by solution of their governing equations. To address this problem, more general: statistical interphase region model is put forward. It provides clear physical interpretation of its all ingredients and allows to derive the governing equation of the sharp and diffusive interface/interphase models in the conservative form. I will argue, that the statistical model of the interphase region is integrating existing deterministic sharp/diffusive interface models into one coherent framework. In addition, the new statistical model avoids numerical problems that plague numerical solutions of the equations governing deterministic models.


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