Seminarium Optyczne
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
dr Jacek Dobrzyniecki (Wydział Fizyki UW)
Quantum simulation of the central spin model with a Rydberg atom and polarmolecules in optical tweezers
Central spin models, where a single spinful particle interacts with a spin environment, find wideapplication in quantum information technology and can be used to model e.g. the decoherence of a qubit in adisordered environment. We propose a method of realizing an ultracold quantum simulator for the central spinmodel. The proposed system consists of a single Rydberg atom (central spin) and polar molecules (environmentspins), coupled via dipole-dipole interactions. By mapping internal particle states to spin states, spin-exchanginginteractions can be simulated. Precise control over the model can be exerted by directly manipulating theplacement of environment spins. As an example, we consider a ring-shaped arrangement of environment spins,and show how the system's time evolution is affected by the tilt angle of the ring