Seminarium Optyczne
sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
mgr Agata Wojciechowska (IFD UW)
Exotic ultralong-range Rydberg molecules
The discovery of Rydberg matter empowers prospects in ultracold science. Recently, scientists tookanother step forward by measuring the Rydberg series of highly magnetic lanthanide – Er. We intend to examinethe complex entity of the ultralong-range Rydberg molecule and search for intriguing energy structure, noveltransitions, and unusual magnetic properties. In our work, we first describe Er with Multichannel QuantumDefect Theory to calculate the energy spectrum of the Rydberg molecule composed of excited Er and groundstate Rb. We use the perturbation theory due to the lack of sufficient experimental data for a general model. Astep towards developing a proper model is understanding molecules with a two-valence electron Rydberg atom.Here, the Hg*Rb molecule serves as a platform. We present promising energy spectra with easily accessibletrilobite states and approach homonuclear Hg molecules calculations