Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych
sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
Michael Raymer (University of Oregon)
Quantum Telescopy: Interferometric Imaging using Shared Quantum Entanglement [Distinguished Lectures on Complex Systems and Quantum Physics series]
Quantum entanglement-based imaging promises significantlyincreased resolution by extending the spatial separation of opticalcollection apertures used in very-long-baseline interferometry forastronomy and geodesy. We report a table-top entanglement-basedinterferometric imaging technique that utilizes two entangled fieldmodes serving as a phase reference between two apertures. The spatialdistribution of a simulated thermal light source is determined byinterfering light collected at each aperture with one of the entangledfields and performing joint measurements. This experiment demonstratesthe ability of entanglement to implement interferometric imaging. SeeBrown, Matthew R., Markus Allgaier, Valérian Thiel, John Monnier,Michael G. Raymer, and Brian J. Smith. "Interferometric imaging usingshared quantum entanglement." arXiv preprint arXiv:2212.07395