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Seminarium z fizyki biologicznej i bioinformatyki

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2023-10-11 (15:15) Calendar icon
Prof. Cecilia Clementi (Einstein Professor - Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Physics, Berlin, Germany and Rice University, Department of Physics, Houston, USA)

Machine learning coarse-grained potentials of protein thermodynamics
Meeting ID: 919 7615 3012
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Bogdan Lesyng (UW)
Anna Niedźwiecka (IF PAN)
Piotr Zielenkiewicz (IBB)
AbstractMolecular Dynamic simulations are becoming a standard tool to characterizeprotein dynamics. Despite the significant progress and impressive resultsobtained utilizing atomic-level force fields, simulations longer thanmilliseconds are still unfeasible for large protein systems. We presentrecent results on the developments of protein models at reduced resolutionthat can still well reproduce a protein configurational landscape but at asmall fraction of the cost. We discuss the method development and theresults, and we present a quantitative comparison of the thermodynamic anddynamic properties of different macromolecular systems at differentresolutions.


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