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Seminarium Fizyki Jądra Atomowego

sala 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5
2023-10-19 (10:15) Calendar icon
dr Victor Guadilla Gomez (IFD UW)

Gamma spectroscopy at ISOLDE for isospin mirror asymmetry studies

Isospin symmetry between protons and neutrons is an elegant framework of fundamental importance in Nuclear Physics. However, it is known to be an approximate symmetry due to Coulomb interaction and other isospin symmetry-breaking effects. In this seminar, we will present an overview of a recently launched experimental programme at ISOLDE, the radioactive ion beam facility at CERN, focused on isospin mirror asymmetry studies by means of beta decay measurements with gamma spectroscopy techniques.

In particular, we will concentrate on isospin asymmetry in mirror systems along the sd shell, that has been suggested to be an evidence of proton halo structures. This would open an extremely interesting possibility of identifying halo structures by means of beta-decay studies, specially for proton halos, where there is a scarcity of confirmed cases. However, the isospin mirror asymmetries found could also be connected with the incompleteness of the decay data of the neutron rich partners, as will be discussed for the 27Na-27S mirror pair.


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