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Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej

sala 1.02, ul. Pasteura 5
2023-12-01 (12:15) Calendar icon
Vera Uzunova (IFT FUW)

Nonlinear spin dynamics of ferromagnetic ring in the vortex state and its application for spin-transfer nano-oscillator

We study a nonlinear spin dynamics of a ferromagnetic ring in a vortex state induced by the spin-polarized current. The spin dynamics of ferromagnets is commonly believed to be gyroscopic but we show that a response of the vortex-state ring to the spin-polarized current has hysteretic behaviour. We also found that the nonlinear spin oscillations are described by the simple and universal equation, known for many physical problems, like a point Josephson contact. We also suggest a design of a spin-transfer nano-oscillator (STNO) using the ferromagnetic ring as a free layer. Proposed nano-oscillator is characterised by the working frequencies up to 10 GHz, that makes it advantageous over the disc-based vortex oscillators operating in the sub-GHz range. Although the averaged output electromotive force vanishes, the output signal can be extracted with the help of special inhomogeneous analysers.


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