Środowiskowe Seminarium z Informacji i Technologii Kwantowych
sala 1.03, ul. Pasteura 5
Marek Kopciuch (Uniwersytet Jagieloński)
Optimal tomography of collective quantum-states in room temperature gases
One of the most important challenges of quantum information science is to create, manipulate, and reconstructa desired quantum state. Conventional media for realization of such experiments include single microscopicalobjects such as ions, photons, superconducting circuits, etc. However, such choice comes with a number ofexperimental challenges. This seminar introduces an alternative approach centered around collective quantumstates formed within a macroscopic cloud comprising approximately 109 atoms of room-temperature alkali-metalvapors.
In this presentation I will show a method for conducting quantum-state tomography in this medium througha few simple measurements of the Faraday effect. I will also demonstrate how careful tuning of one parameter(in our case laser detuning) can significantly enhance tomographic robustness. Furthermore, I will describe howtomography may aid in verifying and exploring quantum metrological concepts, such as ’quantum protractorstates’.
In this presentation I will show a method for conducting quantum-state tomography in this medium througha few simple measurements of the Faraday effect. I will also demonstrate how careful tuning of one parameter(in our case laser detuning) can significantly enhance tomographic robustness. Furthermore, I will describe howtomography may aid in verifying and exploring quantum metrological concepts, such as ’quantum protractorstates’.