Seminarium Teorii Względności i Grawitacji
sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
Maciej Kolanowski (UC, Santa Barbara)
Strong Cosmic Censorship: A Quantum Update
Strong Cosmic Censorship is a (more than 50 years old) conjecture that generic solutions to the Einstein equations (with or without matter) should not contain any Cauchy horizons. We will remind the audience of the motivations behind this conjecture (and the shortcomings of these physical arguments). We will review various (non-equivalent) formulations of the conjecture. We will discuss known counterexamples and show that almost all of them are removed once one treats the perturbations as the quantum (rather than the classical) fields. Then, the only remaining exceptions are highly-spinning BTZ black holes. However, we show that (at least for certain matter contents) the inclusion of the back-reaction replaces the Cauchy horizon with the singularity, thus allowing us to proclaim that the strong cosmic censorship is in 2023 at its strongest (so far).