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Konwersatorium im. J.Pniewskiego i L.Infelda

sala 0.06, ul. Pasteura 5
2024-01-08 (11:00) Calendar icon
dr hab. Andrzej Hennel, prof. UW

Józef Rotblat - forgotten Nobel Prize winner

The lecture will be devoted to the ``forgotten" eighth Polish Nobel Prizewinner.

Józef Rotblat was born in 1908 in Warsaw, and in 1938 he received a PhD inphysics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Warsaw. From 1939 he worked at the University of Liverpool, and in 1944 at the Los Alamos laboratory. In 1946 he became a British citizen and from 1949 he was a professor of physics at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London. He was a signatory of the Einstein-Russel Manifesto in 1955 and co-founder of the Pugwash Conference on Science and World Problems. In the years 1957-1973 he was the Secretary General of Pugwash, and in the years 1988-1997 its President. In 1995, they received the Nobel Peace Prize jointly - Pugwash (50%) and Józef Rotblat (50%). He died in London in 2005.

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