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String Theory Journal Club

sala 2.25, ul. Pasteura 5
2024-03-05 (12:15) Calendar icon
Luigi Guerrini (IFT UW)

Fun with Supersymmetric Localization

Supersymmetric Quantum Field Theories are a distinguished class of theories where we can understand, test, and sometimes discover features that persist in the corresponding non-supersymmetric models. With that in mind, supersymmetric localization provides a powerful method to get exact results and thus probe physics beyond the perturbative regime. In this talk, I will review the technique in the context of 3d gauge theories and argue how their matrix model description emerges. Moreover, I will explain how turning on different background fields computes different QFT observables. I will focus on the supersymmetric Renyi entropy and integrated correlation functions of local operators and briefly discuss their holographic interpretations.


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