Seminarium fizyki litosfery i planetologii
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dr hab. Marcin Wesołowski (University of Rzeszów, College of Natural Sciences, Institute of Physics)
The influence of bolometric albedo on the change in cometary brightness during its outburst
During the first part of the seminar, new results of spectroscopic measurements for selected cometary dust analogues will be presented. These measurements were made using a Cary 5000 spectrometer with an integrating sphere. Three commonly available materials were used for measurements: quartz sand, ash and charcoal. The obtained measurement results were used to determine the bolometric albedo based on the Hapke equation. The second part of the seminar presented an analytical method allowing us to calculate the amplitude of the comet's brightness change during the outburst. Calculations show that the upper value of the brightness change is magnitude 4.42, which is within the mid-range of a typical outburst. Calculations have shown that as the bolometric albedo increases for a given agglomerate porosity, the temperature decreases, which determines a smaller sublimation flux, which translates into a larger change in the cometary brightness.
Zapisy mailowe u pana dr hab. Konrada Kossackiego, prof. ucz.: .
Zapisy mailowe u pana dr hab. Konrada Kossackiego, prof. ucz.: .