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Exact Results in Quantum Theory & Gravity

sala 1.40, ul. Pasteura 5
2024-04-26 (14:15) Calendar icon
Krzysztof Mysliwy (IFT UW)

Simulating critical anion chemistry with indirect excitons

The maximal ionization problem is a basic open question in quantumchemistry: given a nucleus of charge Z, what is the maximal number ofelectrons that this nucleus can bind? Based on observations, it isconjectured that this number equals Z+C, where C is a universal constantindependent of Z, most likely equal to unity. Nobody has succeeded inproving such a bound to date and only partial results in this directionexist. Some theoretical work has also been performed on a slightlyreformulated version of this problem, that is, given N electrons, whatis the minimal value of the nuclear charge Z, treated as a continuousparameter, that is able to bind them? It is known, for instance, thatthis Z is about 0.91e for N=2. In this talk, we are going to discuss apossible experimental platform for the study of this basic yetsurprisingly difficult question. Joint work with K. Jachymski.


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