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Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej

sala 1.02, ul. Pasteura 5
2024-05-10 (12:15) Calendar icon
Emanuel Gull (University of Michigan)

Let's Get Real - Adapting the Toolkit of Many-Body Theory to Realistic Material Simulation

Quantum many-body theories are used to describe the physics of quantum systems with many strongly interacting particles. In condensed matter physics, these theories are typically applied to effective low-energy lattice models, which are designed to capture only the essential degrees of freedom of a solid. Such models contain phenomenological parameters and are often not predictive.This talk will summarize recent progress on solving the many-body problem without adjustable parameters and without the construction of effective low-energy models. We will showcase algorithmic and computational advances that have enabled high-precision calculations of solids with strong quantum effects. A path towards controlled and adaptive many-body simulations is outlined.


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