Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"
sala 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5
(NICPB, Tallinn)
Metric-Affine Gravity as an Effective Field Theory: Expectations vs. Reality
Carlo Marzo
Eliminating ghosts and tachyons from the linear spectrum has long been a crucial criterion for establishing viable theories within the metric-affine paradigm. However, this initial step must be complemented by additional measures to ensure the development of a predictive quantum model. In this talk, we explore the one-loop structure for some ghost and tachyon-free vector theories, highlighting the significance of structural constraints in their interactions, even in the absence of gauge symmetries. Despite the presence of soft-breaking terms, we demonstrate that achieving a predictive framework for vector models within the realm of effective field theory depends critically on adopting a gauge-like approach to their interactions. Our findings provide a deeper understanding of the theoretical and practical challenges in advancing metric-affine gravity as a credible effective field theory.