Seminarium Fizyki Materii Skondensowanej
2006/2007 | 2007/2008 | 2008/2009 | 2009/2010 | 2010/2011 | 2011/2012 | 2012/2013 | 2013/2014 | 2014/2015 | 2015/2016 | 2016/2017 | 2017/2018 | 2018/2019 | 2019/2020 | 2020/2021 | 2021/2022 | 2022/2023 | 2023/2024 | 2024/2025
2016-01-15 (Piątek)
Jarosław Piasecki (IFT UW)
Critical Correlations and Hierarchy Equations
The role of multi-particle correlations in the appearance of aliquid–vapour critical point will be discussed. The analysis is based onBaxter’s hierarchy relating spatial integrals of (k + 1)-particlecorrelations to the k-particle ones and their derivatives with respect todensity. It turns out that the description of critical behaviour requirestaking into account correlations of arbitrary order. It is however only anecessary condition. For instance, the well known Kirkwood superpositionapproximation when applied within Baxter’s hierarchy rules out thecritical behaviour. However, the same approximation when used as a closureof the Yvon-Born-Green hierarchy still presents challenging problems. Theintriguing situation in this case will be presented in the light of bothnumerical and analytical studies together with some open problems.
2016-01-08 (Piątek)
Tomasz Sowiński (IF PAN)
From 'one' to 'many'. Simulating few-body physics with a few ultra-cold fermions
Quantum few-body systems are believed to form unexplored bridge betweenone- and two-body physics, well described with standard methods ofquantum mechanics, and many-body world where collective properties ofquantum particles have to be taken into account in the framework ofstatistical mechanics. In nowadays experiments on ultra-cold atoms it ispossible to engineer, to control, and to perform measurements on systemsof a few fermions effectively confined in one-dimensional traps. Thisamazing experimental progress has inspired theoreticians to reformulateold and to formulate new questions on the properties of a mesoscopicnumber of quantum particles.
2015-12-11 (Piątek)
Tomasz Gubiec (IFD UW)
Modelling of the banking system - is there a place for physics?
On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers bank announced its bankruptcy.This started a panic on the US stock exchange and the subprimemortgage crisis that spread throughout the world. The consequences ofthese events are still visible today. How come a single eventinfluenced banking systems on the other side of the globe? What is theconcept of systemic risk? Is there a place for physics in thedescription of this phenomenon? Is Polish banking system safe? Theseand other questions will be addressed during the seminar.
2015-12-04 (Piątek)
Anna Maciołek (IChF PAN Max Planck Stuttgart)
Action at the distance
Recent experimental work by Gasparini and coworkers examined small cubicalboxes of about 1 nm edge inscribed in a regular pattern on a silicon waferand filled with liquid 4He. The boxes are then coupled by addition of more He4 to form a thin supernatant film or via channels. Something most remarkable happens: even though the boxes have a mesoscopic spacing, calorimetric measurements show clear evidence of coupling between different boxes. The authors did not offer any theoretical analysis, but they made the intriguing suggestion that action at a distance effects of this type might be a common feature of critical systems, both quantum (like 4He) and classical. In our work, we have constructed a theoretical model of boxes containing a fluid phase below its critical temperature but at coexistence. The boxes are coupled together by rods (of arbitrary length) also containing the fluid; in this way, we can assemble lattices of coupled boxes like those of Gasparini et al. We have analysed this model using mesoscopic description and by Monte-Carlo simulation, which confirms our phenomenological results. We have shown that, by appropriate tuning of parameters, the lattice of boxes develops long ranged order, even though the rods are very long compared to their lateral dimensions; the simulations produce associated thermodynamic signatures. If we consider two boxes coupled by a single rod, then we have a model system that may have relevance as a potential mechanism for biological control. Our ideas may also be useful for networks in social science. Finally, we suspect that our ideas extend to quantum spin models and maybe even to systems of coupled quantum dots.
2015-11-27 (Piątek)
Wojciech Gozdz (IChF PAN)
Bicontinuous cubic phases of lyotropic liquid crystals: monocrystals, thin films, and cubosomes
Bicontinuous cubic phases are the most interesting phases encountered inlyotropic liquid crystals. I will compare the results of the experimentson formation of monocrystals and thin films of bicontinuous phases withthe theoretical calculations performed within the framework of aLandau-Brazovskii type theory. The main goal of the work is theinvestigation of the deformation of the structure of the bicontinuousphases at the boundary with the isotropic phase for different facets ofthe monocrystals.
2015-11-13 (Piątek)
Magdalena Stobińska (University of Gdansk)
Quantum walks - mastering the complexity and the uncomputable
Quantum world reveals fascinating phenomena which are small wonders for the scientists working at the foundations of science and which, although usually abstract, carry potential for the future technologies. Recent research shows that they easily become intractable for computers and the situation would not change even if we had a quantum machine. How to describe these effects efficiently to master them? Divide et impera - divide the complex evolution into many simple steps, and observe the evolving system while repeating them. In this way, quantum walks provide simple models of various fundamental and complex processes in nature ranging from chaos, topological phases or photosynthesis to universal quantum computation, quantum search algorithms and boson sampling.This talk will provide an introduction to quantum walks and will explore their potential in describing important quantum effects appearing in the dynamics of complex systems, highlighting that in this way we may learn about the yet-unexplored.
2015-10-23 (Piątek)
Hugo U. R. Strand (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)
Real-time dynamics of lattice bosons in high dimensions from nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory
We generalize the bosonic formulation of dynamical mean-field theory(BDMFT) [1] to out-of-equilibrium situations, and develop a Nambu strongcoupling real-time impurity solver. The impurity solver, being a pureLuttinger-Ward based diagrammatic expansion, is conserving and relies onsolving the real-time Dyson equation on the three legged Kadanoff-Baymreal-time contour, in combination with a self-energy self-consistency [2].In this framework we study the out-of-equilibrium properties of theBose-Hubbard model at finite temperatures. As a first test we mimic thepioneering superfluid quench experiments of Greiner et al. [3]. Accountingfor quantum fluctuations using BDMFT qualitatively changes the superfluidcollapse-revival oscillations, and introduces significant damping, whichis absent on the mean-field level [4].We also perform modulation spectroscopy and observe linear high orderresonances of the boson occupation [5], which has direct bearing oncold-atom spectroscopy [6]. The out of equilibrium spectroscopy isanalyzed and explained using the equilibrium spectral function andstructure factor in the strong coupling limit. In particular, we discussthe nontrivial temperature dependence of the resonances.1. P. Anders, P. Werner, M. Troyer, M. Sigrist, L. Pollet, PRL 109, 206401(2012)2. H. U. R. Strand, M. Eckstein, P. Werner, PRX 5, 011038 (2015)3. M. Greiner, O. Mandel, T. W. Hansch, I. Bloch, Nature 419, 51 (2002)4. B. Sciolla, G. Biroli, PRL 105, 220401 (2010)5. H. U. R. Strand, M. Eckstein, P. Werner, arXiv:1506.05609 (2015)6. T. Stöferle, H. Moritz, C. Schori, M. Köhl, T. Esslinger, PRL 92,130403 (2004)
2015-10-09 (Piątek)
Jens Bardarson (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Dresden)
Visualizing the chiral anomaly in Dirac and Weyl semimetals with photoemission spectroscopy
Quantum anomalies is the phenomena that a symmetryclassically present is broken in the quantum theory. The chiralanomaly, in particular, refers to the non-conservation of chiralcharge or current, and has been discussed for example in the contextof the electroweak interactions and neutral superfluid helium. In thesolid state, it has recently been realized that Weyl and Diracsemimetals, in which the conduction and valence points touch in a setof non-degenerate Weyl nodes, have a chiral anomaly. In this contextelectrons with different chirality belong to a different Weyl node,and the chiral anomaly is a mechanism by which parallel electric andmagnetic field pump charge between different Weyl nodes. Due todisorder scattering a characteristic non-equilibrium steady state isobtained. In this talk I will discuss how this state is obtained, whatare its defining features, and how they can be experimentally observedin photoemission spectroscopy [1]. I will also discuss recentexperiments [2] on negative magnetoresistance in Weyl semimetals andtheir relation to the chiral anomaly.[1] Jan Behrends, Adolfo G. Grushin, Teemu Ojanen, Jens H. Bardarson,Visualizing the chiral anomaly in Dirac and Weyl semimetals withphotoemission spectroscopy, arXiv:1503.04329.[2] Chandra Shekhar, Frank Arnold, Shu-Chun Wu, Yan Sun, MarcusSchmidt, Nitesh Kumar, Adolfo G. Grushin, Jens H. Bardarson, RicardoDonizeth dos Reis, Marcel Naumann, Michael Baenitz, Horst Borrmann,Michael Nicklas, Elena Hassinger, Claudia Felser, Binghai Yan, Largeand unsaturated negative magnetoresistance induced by the chiralanomaly in the Weyl semimetal TaP, arXiv:1506.06577.
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