2024-11-14 (Czwartek)
Ana Balibanu (Louisiana State University)
Reduction along strong Dirac maps
We develop a general procedure for reduction along strong Dirac maps, which are a broad generalization of Poisson moment maps. The reduction level in this setting is a submanifold of the target, and the symmetries are given by the action of a groupoid. When applied to quasi-Poisson moment maps, this framework produces new multiplicative versions of many Poisson varieties that are important to geometric representation theory. This is joint work with Maxence Mayrand. To join use https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/94548599338?pwd=K1NWTkI3czdqZGNNalZMdWJNNHh1UT09#success
2024-11-07 (Czwartek)
Leonid Ryvkin (University Claude Bernard Lyon I)
Reduction of multisymplectic observables
We develop a reduction scheme for the Lie-infinity-algebra of observables on a pre-multisymplectic manifold M in the presence of a compatible Lie algebra action on M and subset of the manifold M. This reduction relates to the geometric multisymplectic reduction recently proposed by Casey Blacker. In particular, when M is a symplectic manifold and the level set of a momentum our approach generalizes Marsden-Weinstein reduction, and has interesting relations to further symplectic reduction schemes. Based on joint work with Casey Blacker and Antonio Miti. To connect, use the link https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/94548599338?pwd=K1NWTkI3czdqZGNNalZMdWJNNHh1UT09#success