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Seminarium "Teoria cząstek elementarnych i kosmologia"

2017/2018 | 2018/2019 | 2019/2020 | 2020/2021 | 2021/2022 | 2022/2023 | 2023/2024 | 2024/2025


2022-11-24 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 12:15  Calendar icon
Basabendu Barman (IFT UW)

Gravity as portal to Reheating, Leptogenesis and Dark Matter

In this talk I will discuss how two long-standing problems of particle cosmology, namely, dark matter and baryon asymmetry can be simultaneosuly explained considering only gravity as an intermediate messenger between the dark sector and the Standard Model (SM), providing a minimal scenario that can produce not only the right amount of the dark matter and baryon asymmetry that we see today, but also gives rise to sufficiently hot thermal bath after inflation. I will show such a scenario can (a) provide a possible explanation for high energy IceCube neutrino events via decaying dark matter paradigm, and (b) be probed via proposed gravitational wave detectors like BBO, DECIGO, ET etc., thanks to the presence of detectable primordial gravitational wave spectrum. Finally, I will also dicuss a second scenario leading to a large spectrum of dark matter mass from a few keV to PeV via gravity portal.
2022-11-17 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 12:15  Calendar icon
Oskar Grocholski (DESY Hamburg)

Large-invariant-mass photon pair production in nucleon-photon scattering at the next-to-leading order

Generalized parton distributions (GPDs) allow a detailed study of the internal structure of nuclei. In the appropriate kinematical limit, one can express an amplitude of a scattering process in terms of relevant GPDs convoluted with perturbatively computable quantities using so-called collinear factorization. The quest for extraction of GPDs from experimental data necessitates the study of different exclusive processes. In this talk, I will discuss the recent analysis of the photoproduction of a near-forward large mass diphoton at the leading twist in a proton+photon process at the next-to-leading order in strong coupling. I will describe the problem of soft and collinear divergences present in loop calculations, and how it is solved in the framework of collinear factorization. I will present the results of the one-loop pQCD calculation, and discuss the phenomenological analysis done using the PARTONS software framework.
2022-11-10 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 12:15  Calendar icon
Maciej Kierkla (IFT UW)

Gravitational wave signature of a supercooled phase transition

We present an updated analysis of the first-order phase transition associated with symmetry breaking in the early Universe in a classically scale-invariant model extended with a new SU(2) gauge group. Including recent developments in understanding supercooled phase transitions, we compute all of its characteristics and constrain the parameter space. We then predict gravitational-wave spectra generated during this phase transition. Next, by computing the signal-to-noise ratio, we conclude that this model is well testable(and falsifiable) with LISA. We also provide predictions for the relic dark matter abundance. It is consistent with observations in a rather narrow part of the parameter space, as we exclude the so-called supercool dark matter scenario based on an improved description of percolation and reheating after the phase transition. Finally, we pay special attention to renormalisation-scale dependence of the results. Even though our main results are obtained with the use of renormalisation-group improved effective potential, we also present the outcome of a fixed-scale analysis. It proves that the dependence on the scale is not only qualitative but also quantitative.
2022-11-03 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 12:15  Calendar icon
Ignacy Nałęcz (IFT UW)

Renormalization Group Equations in generic Effective Field Theories

Renormalization Group Equations (RGEs) govern scale dependence of couplings in Quantum Field Theories (QFTs). Instead of determining them by performing loop calculations in each particular model under consideration, one can begin with deriving RGEs in generic classes of QFTs. Results for particular models are then obtained by substitutions. At the renormalizable level, with operators up to dimension four in the Lagrangian, such a program has been already completed up to four loops. However, in Effective Field Theories (EFTs), where higher-dimensional operators are present, no generic results are known even at the one-loop level. I am going to present the current status of one-loop RGE calculations in a generic class of EFTs with operators up to dimension six. I will also comment on the possibility of proceeding with the computations beyond one loop.
2022-10-27 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 12:15  Calendar icon
Rhitaja Sengupta (IIS Bangalore)

The future of long-lived particles from the decay of Higgs boson at HL-LHC and FCC-hh

We study the pair production of the long-lived mediator particles from the decay of the SM Higgs boson and their subsequent decay into standard model particles. We discuss triggering of such events using the HL-LHC upgrades and compute the projected sensitivity of using the muon spectrometer of the CMS detector at the HL-LHC experiment, along with dedicated detectors for LLP searches like CODEX-b and MATHUSLA. Subsequently, we study the improvement with the FCC-hh detector at the 100 TeV collider experiment for such long-lived mediators, again focusing on the muon spectrometer. We propose dedicated LLP detector designs for the 100 TeV collider experiment, DELIGHT (Detector for long-lived particles at high energy of 100 TeV) and study their sensitivities. We conclude by discussing the rich landscape of experimental proposals for exploring the lifetime frontier.
2022-10-20 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 12:15  Calendar icon
Mariano Quiros (IFAE Barcelona)

Baryogenesis and inflaton hunting at the LHC

The Higgs potential can be destabilized during (high scale) inflation by fluctuations in the de Sitter space. We propose a simple model where the inflaton, non-minimally coupled to gravity, is coupled to the Higgs field, changing the quartic coupling beta function such that the Higgs potential is stabilized. This leads to a modified Higgs Inflation scenario where the Higgs participates in the inflationary process. If the inflaton is coupled to the Chern-Simons density of the hypercharge, it can generate baryon asymmetry at the electroweak phase transition. Naturalness arguments require the inflaton to be at the TeV scale. If the inflaton has a TeV mass, it can be produced at the LHC, mainly by gluon-gluon fusion.
2022-10-13 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 12:15  Calendar icon
Andreas Mantziris (IFT UW)

Cosmological implications of the Higgs vacuum metastability during inflation

According to the current experimental data, the SM Higgs vacuum appears to be metastable due to the development of a second, lower ground state in the Higgs potential. Since vacuum decay would induce nucleation of the true vacuum bubbles, with catastrophic consequences for our false-vacuum Universe, we are motivated to study possible stabilising mechanisms in the early Universe. In our current investigation, we study the experimentally motivated metastability of the electroweak vacuum in the context of inflation, with a particular emphasis on the observationally favoured model of Starobinsky inflation. The focus of our work has been to calculate the probability of the false vacuum to decay during the period of inflation, and use it to constrain the parameter $\xi$ that couples the Higgs field with space-time curvature. Following the motivation and techniques from our first study [arXiv:2011.037633], we wish to obtain similar constraints on the Higgs-curvature coupling $\xi$, while treating Starobinsky inflation more rigorously. Thus, we embed the SM into the modified gravity scenario $R + R^2$, that introduces Starobinsky inflation naturally, with significant repercussions for the effective Higgs potential in the form of additional negative terms that destabilize the vacuum. Our results dictate stronger lower $\xi$-bounds that are very sensitive to the final moments of inflation when bubble nucleation is most prominent [arXiv:2207.00696].
2022-10-06 (Czwartek)
Zapraszamy do sali 1.01, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 12:15  Calendar icon
Javier Lizana (University of Zurich)

Quark-lepton unification of the third family at the TeV scale

An attractive explanation for the flavor puzzle of the Standard Model is the multi-scale origin of the flavor hierarchies, where the size of the Standard Model Yukawas of the different families are associated to different scales. The large top Yukawa points towards the TeV scale for the third family, opening the possibility to have quark-lepton unification of the third family à la Pati-Salam at that scale. This is the essence of the so-called 4321 model, that can address the B-anomalies. I will study the phenomenological consequences of this kind of unification and its impact on different sets of observables, such as light-flavor and electroweak observables. I will also explore concrete UV completions of the 4321 model based on extra dimensions to address the Higgs hierarchy problem in combination to the B-anomalies and the flavor puzzle.
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