Seminarium Teorii Względności i Grawitacji
2006/2007 | 2007/2008 | 2008/2009 | 2009/2010 | 2010/2011 | 2011/2012 | 2012/2013 | 2013/2014 | 2014/2015 | 2015/2016 | 2016/2017 | 2017/2018 | 2018/2019 | 2019/2020 | 2020/2021 | 2021/2022 | 2022/2023 | 2023/2024 | 2024/2025 | Strona własna seminarium
2024-06-14 (Piątek)
Marek Szczepańczyk (IFT UW)
Searching for exceptional gravitational-wave sources in the LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA observing runs
Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics is an exciting venue for discovery. The gravitational-wave observations by LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA challenge our understanding of the Universe and allow testing theories at an unprecedented level. The gravitational waves from exceptional astrophysical sources will likely play a key role in this endeavor. In my presentation, I will provide examples of exceptional sources. I will describe the status of the ongoing fourth observing run that already provided around 100 new gravitational-wave candidates. I will discuss searches for gravitational waves and focus on the model-independent searches that are suitable for making discoveries.
2024-06-07 (Piątek)
Rafał Ćwiek (IFT UW)
Separation of the wave equation in black hole spacetimes
2024-05-24 (Piątek)
Leszek Hadasz (UJ)
Equivalencies of two-dimensional CFT models and relations between quantum field theories in different space-time dimensions
Rich symmetry present in two-dimensional world often allows to relate apparently quite different, quantum models. I will discuss two examples of such equivalences (both involving quantum, two-dimensional gravity with cosmological constant, i.e. Liouville field theory) and show their relevance for understanding the Alday-Gaiotto-Tachikawa relation between two-dimensional conformal models and the moduli space of instantons in four-dimensional, supersymmetric gauge theories.
2024-05-17 (Piątek)
Paola Moreira Delgado (UJ)
Theoretical and Phenomenological Cosmology: Early Universe and Gravitational Wave Physics
In this talk, I will explore various facets of the Lambda-CDM model and its motivated alternative theories, including bouncing cosmologies, ultralight dark matter, gravitational wave phenomena, holographic dark energy, and inflation. Our findings shed light on long-standing challenges in cosmology, such as the initial singularity problem, the origins of cosmological perturbations, large-scale anomalies in the CMB, and the nature of dark energy and dark matter.
2024-04-26 (Piątek)
Dawid Maskalaniec (FUW)
Creation of Hawking quanta far away from a black hole
I shall study particle production in Vaidya-like spacetimes far away from the black hole horizon. I Will begin by presenting a simplified argument for the thermality of Hawking radiation. Next, I shall show how to extend the analysis beyond the near-horizon approximation. We will find slight modifications of the Hawking's results, which have a natural thermodynamic interpretation. A very simple model of backreaction of Hawking quanta onto spacetime geometry will be discussed. Developed techniques allow us to study also low-energy modes, for which the standard WKB approximation is not valid.
2024-04-12 (Piątek)
Przemysław Małkiewicz (NCBJ)
Quantum gravity in the sky: cosmological entanglement
I will formulate and study a quantum model of a perturbed Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker universe beyond the conventional Born-Oppenheimer factorization, that is, without restricting the wave function of the universe to the product of the background and perturbation wave functions. I will show that the quantum dynamics generically does not preserve the product form of the wave function that evolves into a more general entangled state. Upon expanding this state in a suitable basis and setting Gaussian initial conditions for the perturbations, I find that each of these wave functions becomes associated to a non-Gaussian probability distribution for the perturbation mode amplitude.
2024-04-05 (Piątek)
Marek Abramowicz (Gothenburg Univesity, Sweden, CAMK, Poland and Silesian University, Czechia)
Primordial black holes in the dark matter halo of our Galaxy
If there are primordial black holes in the dark matter halo, they must collide with the Galactic neutron stars (NS) and producelight black holes (LBH), with masses below 1.4 M_Sun. This has observational consequences that may be checked by microlensing,by LIGO-Virgo-Kagra iterferometers detecting gravitational waves from collisions of LBH with NS and BH, by detecting LBH in X-raybinaries and from pulsars statistics.
2024-03-22 (Piątek)
Maciej Ossowski (IFT UW)
New solutions to the Petrov Type D equation with U(1)-symmetry
Theory of isolated horizons is a robust, local generalizationof a theory of black hole horizons. The Einstein Equations induce a socalled Petrov Type D equation determining the geometry of the horizonirrespective of their embedding as well as provide a necessary conditionfor the Petov type of the embedded horizon.I will present two new families of solutions in the case when thehorizon admits a structure of a U(1)-principle bundle;First, when the space of the null generators is a Riemann surface withgenus > 0.Second, when the space of the null generators is a sphere, however thebundle action is not generated by the vector field null at the horizon.Additionally these horizons may be viewed as a general family ofspherical horizon with a conical singularity.The latter example appears naturally in Kerr-NUT-(a)dS spacetimes withregularized conical singularity, while the former is embeddable in toricand hyperbolic Taub-(a)dS spacetimes.
2024-03-15 (Piątek)
Luca Cafaro (IFT UW)
Status of Birkhoff ’s theorem in polymerized semiclassical regime of Loop Quantum Gravity
The collapse of a spherically symmetric ball of dust has been intensively studied in LoopQuantum Gravity (LQG). From a quantum theory, it is possible to recover a semiclassical regimethrough a polymerization procedure.In this setting, general solutions to the polymerized Einstein field equations (PEFE) will be dis-cussed both for the interior and the exterior of the dust cloud. Exterior solutions are particularlyinteresting since they may lead to a semiclassical version of the Birkhoff’s theorem. It is seen thatif time independence of the vacuum is imposed, there exists a unique class of solutions dependingon two parameters. Nevertheless, the possibility of more intricate time dependent solutions is notruled out completely.Ultimately, these results will be compared to a model of spherical collapse obtained independentlyfrom the Einstein equations.
2024-03-08 (Piątek)
Ludovic Varrin (NCBJ)
On the covariant formulation of gauge theories with boundaries
The physics of gauge theories in the presence of spacetime boundaries has been known to produce very interesting results and concrete phenomena from the discovery of the Quantum Hall effect to the modern developments in holography and, more recently, the "Corner proposal" which suggest an approach to the problem of Quantum Gravity through the use of symmetries. In this talk, we will review the classical covariant formulation of Yang-Mills theory and general relativity in the presence of spacetime boundaries. In order to do so we start by giving a short introduction the the covariant phase space formalism, focusing mainly on the derivation of the presymplectic forms and their properties. We further revisit the introduction of the edge modes and the conditions which justify them, in the context where only field-independent gauge transformations are considered. In particular, we show that the presence of edge modes is not justified by gauge invariance of the presymplectic form, but rather by the condition that the presymplectic form is degenerate on the initial field space, which allows to relate this presymplectic form to the symplectic form on the gauge reduced field space via pullback.
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