(University of Tennessee; Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Institute of Theoretical Physics Faculty of Physics UW)
Understanding nuclei is a quantum many-body problem of incredible richnessand diversity and studies of nuclei address some of the great challengesthat are common throughout modern science. Nuclear structure researchstrives to build a unified and comprehensive microscopic framework inwhich bulk nuclear properties, nuclear excitations, and nuclear reactionscan all be described. A new and exciting focus in this endeavor lies inthe description of exotic and short lived nuclei. The extremeproton-to-neutron asymmetry of these nuclei isolates and amplifiesimportant features of nuclear many-bodyopen quantum systems.
In this talk, experimental and theoretical advances in rare isotoperesearch will be reviewed in the context of the main scientific questions.Particular attention will be given to the worldwide radioactive beamsinitiatives and to the progress in theoretical studies of nuclei due tothe advent of extreme-scale computing platforms.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (425), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Jurkiewicz (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków)
The Causal Dynamical Triangulation model of quantum gravity (CDT) is a proposition to regularize the path integral over space-time geometries using a lattice regularization with a discrete proper time and geometries realized as simplicial manifolds. The model admits a Wick rotation to imaginary time for each space-time configuration. Using computer simulations we determined the phase structure of the model and discovered that it predicts a de Sitter phase with a four-dimensional spherical semi-classicalbackground geometry. The model has a transfer matrix, relating spatial geometries at adjacent (discrete lattice) imaginary times. The transfer matrix uniquely determines the theory. We show that the measurements of the scale factor of the (CDT) universe are well described by an effective transfer matrix where the matrix elements are labeled only by the scale factor. Using computer simulations we determine the effective transfer matrix elements and show how they relate to an effectiveminisuperspace action at all scales.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (425), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Dr Rafał Demkowicz-Dobrzański (Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Wydziału Fizyki UW)
Quantum enhanced metrology has seen a tremendous interest in recent years. The use of entangled states allows in principle to beat the shot noise scaling of precision in light and atom interferometry. This might give a precision boost to some of the most ambitious metrological projects such as gravitational wave detectors and atomic clocks. We derive fundamental bounds on the maximal possible quantum enhancement of precision taking into account realistic effects of decoherence. Moreover, we show that when decoherence is present, simple quantum strategies, based on the use of squeezed states of light or atoms, are close to optimal
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Prof. dr hab. Jacek Ciborowski (Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej Wydziału Fizyki UW)
The Polish-German project QUEST (Darmstadt-Krakow-Lodz-Warsaw) aims atstudying relativistic quantum spin correlations of theEinstein-Rosen-Podolsky-Bohm type, through measurement of the correlationfunction and the corresponding probabilities for relativistic electronpairs. The results will be compared to theoretical predictions obtained byus within the framework of relativistic quantum mechanics, based onassumptions regarding the form of the relativistic spin operator.Agreement or divergence will be interpreted in the context ofnon-uniqueness of the relativistic spin operator in quantum mechanics aswell as dependence of the correlation function on the choice of observablesrepresenting the spin.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Prof. dr hab. Szymon Malinowski (Institute of Geophysics Faculty of Physics UW)
The talk is planned as an overview of the contemporary climate physics. In the first part physical principles of the climate system will be reminded. Then history of climate science, beginning from Joseph Fourier through John Tyndall, Svante Arrhenius to Edward N. Lorenz and modern times will be stressed. Observing systems and theoretical methods commonly used in climate research will be discussed after the introduction. Particular attention will be paid to the attribution of the recentclimate change. Advances in climate science in the context of the forthcoming 5th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will be summarized in the final part of the talk.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Prof. dr hab. Marek Cieplak (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Molecular dynamics of proteins within coarse grained models have become auseful tool in studies of large scale systems. The talk will discuss twoapplications of such modeling that relate to single-molecule manipulation.The first is a theoretical survey of proteins' resistance to stretching anda discovery of novel mechanisms that cause it. These mechanisms aretopological in nature and may lead to characteristic forces that are largerthan in the silk of spiders.
The second application involves studies of nanoindentation processes invirus capsids and elucidates their molecular aspects by showing deviationsin behavior compared to the continuum shell model. We also demonstrate thedependence of the corresponding Young modulus on the effective averagecoordination number that characterizes interactions of a single amino acidwith other amino acids in the capsid.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Prof. dr hab. Tomasz Bulik (Obserwatorium Astronomiczne UW)
High energy gamma ray astronomy has undergone a large development in the last few years. The results from Cherenkov telescopes like HESS, MAGIC and VERITAS observatories have open new horizons and showed multiple new sources. I will review the very high energy sky, and present the status of the preparations for Cherenkov Telescope Array - the next generation Cherenkov observatory.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Dr Katarzyna Krajewska (Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Wydziału Fizyki UW)
Continued technological progress and experimental availability of extremely powerful laser sources have opened a new era of research on laser-matter interactions. Since the ponderomotive energy of electrons driven by such radiation can now be significantly larger than the electron rest mass, it has become of interest to reexamine fundamental processes of quantum electrodynamics (QED) in high power laser pulses.
Currently available and upcoming powerful laser fields are in the femtosecond regime. Nevertheless, most theoretical predictions so far for laser-based QED processes have treated them as monochromatic plane waves. I will summarize progress in the investigation of fundamental QED processes in very intense short laser fields of relativistic power. In particular, the properties of nonlinear Compton scattering as well as the nonlinear Breit-Wheeler and Bethe-Heitler processes leading to the creation of electron-positron pairs will be discussed.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Prof. Steven Abel (University of Durham, UK)
Some properties of Nature seem at first to defy understanding, so it is astonishing when they yield to a mathematical treatment. One example is related to the strong nuclear force. At large distances and low energies, quarks and the glue binding them together become strongly interacting, making the theory very difficult to describe mathematically. On the other hand, at high energies and short distances we can describe the interactions between quarks very well using Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). One of the most interesting developments in recent years has been the discovery by Seiberg that in supersymmetric theories one can describe the long range physics in terms of simple dual theories similar to the original QCD. In this talk I describe the recent developments in this area, applications to phenomenology, and how the relation of Seiberg duality to hidden local symmetry in pion physics might allow one to establish dualities in non-supersymmetric theories.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Dr Jan Kunes (Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague)
The magnetism of materials is closely connected to correlated behavior ofelectrons. In many transition metal oxides ordered or disordered magneticlocal moments exist over a broad range of parameters. The process ofsudden change of the magnitude of the local moments, often due to applied pressure, is called spin-state transitions and often is accompanied by dramatic changes of other physical properties, e.g. metal-insulatortransition. I will present several case studies of spin-state transition(MnO, F2O3, FeO, LaCoO3) using the dynamical mean-field theory and discuss the general picture that emerges from them.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Prof. dr hab. Jan Królikowski (Instytut Fizyki Doświadczalnej Wydziału Fizyki UW)
Main experimental results pertaining to the 2012 discovery of the higgs-like particle at the LHC experiments at CERN will be shown. The plans for the future research in this field will be presented
Zapraszamy do Sali Dużej Doświadczalnej, ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 16:30

dr hab. Konrad Banaszek, prof. UW (Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Wydział Fizyki UW)
Nagrodę Nobla z fizyki w 2012 r. otrzymali wspólnie Serge Haroche oraz David Wineland. Rozwinęli oni techniki doświadczalne, które umożliwiły kontrole i pomiary pojedynczych układow kwantowych, takich jak fotony we wnękach rezonansowych oraz jony w pułapkach.Pozwolilo to na wykonanie szeregu pięknych eksperymentów, które od narodzin mechaniki kwantowej pozostawaly w sferze myślowej, a które w dobitny sposób unaoczniają kwantowość mikroświata i wynikające stąd intrygujące zjawiska.
Zapraszamy do Nowej Auli (N335), ul. Hoża 69 o godzinie 15:30

Prof. dr hab. Stefan Pokorski (Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Wydziału Fizyki UW)
The significance and impact of the early LHC data on the theory of elementary interactions will be discussed.