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Wydział Fizyki UW > Badania > Seminaria i konwersatoria > Seminarium "The Trans-Carpathian Seminar on Geometry & Physics"

Seminarium "The Trans-Carpathian Seminar on Geometry & Physics"

(dawniej: Seminarium "Metody Geometryczne Fizyki")

2006/2007 | 2007/2008 | 2008/2009 | 2009/2010 | 2010/2011 | 2011/2012 | 2012/2013 | 2013/2014 | 2014/2015 | 2015/2016 | 2016/2017 | 2017/2018 | 2018/2019 | 2019/2020 | 2020/2021 | 2021/2022 | 2022/2023 | 2023/2024 | Strona własna seminarium


2024-06-19 (Środa)
Zapraszamy do sali 2.23, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Cornelia Vizman (West University of Timisoara)

Universal extensions of Lie algebras of Hamiltonian/divergence free vector fields

Joint work with Bas Janssens (Delft University of Technology) and Leonid Ryvkin (University Claude Bernard Lyon 1)

Abstract: This talk is about two conjectures by Claude Roger in [2]. I will shortly recall our older work [1], where we prove the conjecture about the universal central extension of the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields. Then I will focus on the universal central extension of the Lie algebra of exact divergence free vector fields. To prove this second conjecture, one needs to make a detour in the realm of Leibniz algebras.

[1] B. Janssens, C. Vizman, Universal central extension of the Lie algebra of Hamiltonian vector fields, IMRN, 2016.16(2016) 4996-5047.
[2] C. Roger, Extensions centrales d'algèbres et de groupes de Lie de dimension infinie, algèbre de Virasoro et généralisations, Rep. Math. Phys., 35(1995) 225–266
2024-06-12 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Wojciech Kamiński (FUW)

Conformal Einstein's equations

Einstein field equations are not conformally invariant. Despite this fact, conformal geometry plays an important role in description of asymptotics of the solutions via so-called Penrose conformal compactification. Moreover, in many cases such conformal compactification of solution is smooth. It turns out that these facts are linked to a fundamental object in conformal geometry, Fefferman-Graham obstruction tensor. I will describe this connection in may talk, together with some interesting implications.
2024-06-05 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Eugen Cioroianu (University of Craiova, Romania)

Jacobi-like structures: A line bundle perspective

Jacobi and Jacobi-like structures are reviewed from a line bundleperspective. Their main properties, like functoriality, integrability andPoissonization are addressed.

The talk will last approximately 50 minutes + 10 min for questions.

There will be a possibility to listen to the talk at FUW in room 1.03. Tea and cookies will be served
2024-05-29 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Oleksii Kotov (Univerzita Hradec Králové)

Introduction to Z-graded manifolds

In this lecture we will talk about Z-graded manifolds, understood in a semi-formal sense: a local function on such a manifold is a formal series in variables of non-zero degree, where the completion is taken with respect to the canonical filtration. Along with the motivation, examples of such manifolds and smooth classification theorem will be given. In addition, the properties of Z-graded Q-manifolds will be described. The audience is required to have basic knowledge of algebra and differential geometry. All other concepts will be explained.

The lecture will last 2 x 45 min.
2024-05-22 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Maciej Dunajski (University of Cambridge)

Quasi-Einstein metrics

We prove that the intrinsic Riemannian geometry of compact cross-sections of any Einstein extremal horizon must admit a Killing vector field. This establishes the rigidity theorem for the extremal Kerr black hole horizon. This extremal horizon is a special case of a quasi-Einstein structure. We shall discuss other examples of quasi-Einstein structures on compact surfaces, including a global result relevant in projective metrizability.
2024-05-15 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Calin Lazaroiu (IFIN-HH, UNED)

Weakly-Abelian Gauge Theories

I give the geometric description of weakly-Abelian gauge theories, defined as those semiclassical gauge theories whose structure group has Abelian Lie algebra, and present a number of results regarding their topological classification and universal Chern-Weil theory.
2024-05-08 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Javier de Lucas (KMMF)

The local classification of finite-dimensional Lie algebras of analytic Hamiltonian vector fields on the plane

First, I will review the classification of locally diffeomorphic finite-dimensional Lie algebras of analytic vector fields on the plane, accomplished by Sophus Lie, following the modern approach by Artermio Gonzalez-Lopez, Niki Kamran, and Peter J. Olver, who also clarified certain issues in the initial classification. I will study which Lie algebras of the classification are diffeomorphic to Lie subalgebras of others, as well as other relevant properties. Then, I will determine the subclass of Lie algebras that are locally Hamiltonian relative to a symplectic structure. Finally, I will explain how to use the classification to study relevant types of Hamiltonian systems on the plane and other related results.
2024-04-24 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Daniel Beltita (IMRA)

Lie group representations and standard subspaces of Hilbert spaces

We will discuss one-parameter operator groups, specifically holomorphic extensions with respect to the parameter, from the real line to suitable horizontal strips in the complex plane, as well as Kubo--Martin--Schwinger (KMS) boundary conditions. We will also present applications to certain constructions of nets of standard subspaces in the framework of Lie group representations, as they appear in Algebraic Quantum Field Theory. They require one-parameter operator groups on spaces of distribution vectors of unitary representations of Lie groups and will be briefly discussed as well. This is joint work with Karl-Hermann Neeb (Friedrich-Alexander- Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg).
2024-03-20 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Janusz Grabowski (IMPAN)

Homogeneity and formalisms of mechanics

We will present the concept of graded bundles whose canonical examples are higher tangent bundles - the playground for ODEs and mechanics. The fundamental discovery is that graded bundles can be characterized by homogeneity structures, understood as actions of the monoid of multiplicative reals on manifolds, which substantially simplifies many concepts and proofs in differential geometry. In particular, vector bundles are fully characterized by the multiplication by reals; one can forget the addition. Consequently, the concept of compatibility of a geometric structure with the vector bundle structure finds an elementary description. As fundamental examples serve double vector bundles.

We will show that homogeneity structures can be naturally lifted to the tangent and cotangent bundles of the manifold, which produces canonical examples of double vector bundles. The main model in mechanics is the so-called Tulczyjew Triple, which leads to the best and simplest geometric description of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics we know, with no assumption of regularity for Lagrangians. The rest of the talk will be the explanation of how dynamics is obtained from a (possibly singular) Lagrangian and how both formalisms are related (Legendre transformation).

The description of the Tulczyjew Triple in terms of isomorphisms of symplectic double vector bundles can be easily generalized and leads, for instance, to geometric mechanics on algebroids - the subject of the next seminar talk.
2024-03-13 (Środa)
Zapraszamy na spotkanie o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Radu Purice (IMAR)

Some results in the spectral analysis of quantum Hamiltonians with magnetic fields

A brief summary of some results concerning the spectral analysis of quantum Hamiltonians described by Hoermander type symbols with bounded, smooth magnetic fields that are not supposed to vanish at infinity: regularity with respect to the field intensity, structure of the essential spectrum, creation of spectral gaps in 2-dimensional periodic Hamiltonians. These results and the covariant 'magnetic' pseudo-differential calculus used in proving them, are the fruits of more than 20 years of research in cooperation mainly with Horia Cornean (Aalborg University), Bernard Helffer (Nantes University), Viorel Iftimie (Bucharest University), Marius Mantoiu (IMAR and University of Chile at Santiago), Serge Richard (Nagoya University and former at Lyon University).
2024-03-06 (Środa)
Zapraszamy do sali 2.23, ul. Pasteura 5 o godzinie 14:15  Calendar icon
Vasile Brinzanescu (IMAR)

Algebraic Geometry at IMAR: past and present research

We shall present some history of the algebraic geometry group at the Simion Stoilow Institute of Mathematics of the Romanian Academy (IMAR), some facts on the scientific seminar and people. Then some recent research subjects of the members of the group will be presented.
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