Seminarium KMMF "Teoria Dwoistości"
2006/2007 | 2007/2008 | 2008/2009 | 2009/2010 | 2010/2011 | 2011/2012 | 2012/2013 | 2013/2014 | 2014/2015 | 2015/2016 | 2016/2017 | 2017/2018 | 2018/2019 | 2019/2020 | 2020/2021 | 2021/2022 | 2022/2023 | 2023/2024 | 2024/2025 | Strona własna seminarium
2024-06-06 (Czwartek)
Antonio de Nicola (Università degli Studi di Salerno)
Topological properties of Sasakian manifolds
We will start by reviewing the definition and fundamental properties of Sasakian manifolds compared with the Kaehler case. Later on, we will describe their topological properties, emphasizing our contribution about the Hard Lefschetz Theorem and Sasakian nilmanifolds. The latter will require a brief review of the concept of formality and Sullivan model of a graded commutative differential algebra. To attend our online seminar please use the Zoom identificator:
2024-05-23 (Czwartek)
K. Grabowska (KMMF)
Lifts, graded bundles and weighted geometric structures
A fundamental problem in defining compound geometrical structures is the compatibility of the ingredients. For instance, VB-groupoids and VB-algebroids are vector bundles endowed with compatible structures of a Lie groupoid and Lie algebroid, respectively. Canonical examples emerge from the tangent lifts of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids. More generally, weighted structures are geometric structures on even N-graded bundles that are compatible with the graded structure. They lead to VB-structures if the graded bundle is of degree one, i.e., it is actually a vector bundle.We will consider compatibility conditions for a large class of geometric structures, e.g., those represented by tensors fields (Poisson, symplectic, Nijenhuis, etc.) as well as many others, like distributions, foliations, Ehresmann connections, principal bundles, etc. These compatibility conditions are expressed in the language of the homogeneity associated with N-graded bundles, understood as a smooth action of the multiplicative monoid of real numbers. An intelligent guess of what the compatibility means in each case comes from canonical examples of higher tangent lifts of the structure in question, and is based on the belief that the lifts are automatically compatible with the canonical graded bundle structures of higher tangent bundles.
2024-05-16 (Czwartek)
Bronisław Jakubczyk (IMPAN)
Invariants of dynamic pairs and behaviour of generalized geodesics
Even if the Euler-Lagrange equations are basic in analysis ofmany problems in physics or geometry, their invariants are well understood in Riemannian, pseudo-Riemannian and (to less extend) Finsler geometry, only. Invariants of general second order ODEs (SODE) were introduced already in the 30-ties of last century (Kosambi, E. Cartan, Chern) but are little known, perhaps of their obscure coordinate presentation.We will propose a geometric framework which allows to define invariants,analogous to classical ones, in more general settings. The basic objects of study are pairs (X,V), where X is a vector field on a manifold M and V is a distribution of constant rank, both satisfying some regularity conditions. Using the Lie bracket one assigns to (X,V) a canonical connection, a Jacobi endomorphism and equation, an invariant metric along trajectories, etc. The framework includes canonical classes of control systems. The behaviour of the trajectories of X can be partially understood studying the Jacobi endomorphism, its eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and the flag curvature. We will give criteria for existence/non-existence of conjugate points on tra-jectories of X, analogous to classical Bonet-Myers and Cartan-Hadamard. A semi-Hamiltonian setting will also be treated.We will present formulas for the Jacobi endomorphism K (curvature) inthe classical case of Euler-Lagrange equations defining the motion of a charged particle in electromagnetic field. In the case of motion of N particles with Newtonian interactions in Rn one gets that tr(K)=(3-n)F, where F is an explicit positive function of positions. This shows that conjugate points always exist for n=1,2, (and n=3 if there is no symmetry) but, in general, are absent for n greater than 3. Joint work with Wojciech Kryński.
2024-05-09 (Czwartek)
Paweł Kasprzak (KMMF)
Optimizing measurements of linear changes of NMR signal parameters
Serial NMR experiments are commonly applied in variable-temperature studies, reaction monitoring, and other tasks. The resonance frequencies often shift linearly over the series, and the shift rates help to characterize the studied system. They can be determined using a classical fitting of peak positions or a more advanced method of Radon transform. In my talk I will discuss the optimal procedure for data collection i.e., whether to measure more scans at the expense of the number of spectra or vice versa and compare two methods (fitting vs. Radon) in that context. The talk is based on joint work with Agustin Romero and Krzysztof Kazimierczuk.
2024-04-25 (Czwartek)
Zbigniew Peradzyński (MIM UW)
Interaction of Waves for Dispersion-less Nonlinear First Order Systems of PDE's
2024-04-18 (Czwartek)
Maciej Błaszak (Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.)
From Stackel systems to Painleve hierarchies
The meeting will be online in Zoom. To join us, please use the following link
2024-04-11 (Czwartek)
Jonas Lampart (Universite de Bourgogne, CNRS)
Effective equations for the Bose polaron
The Bose polaron system consists of a Bose-Einstein condensateinteracting with one, or few, impurities. Similar polaron models ofparticles interacting with a bulk system appear in many forms incondensed matter physics, and play an important role, e.g., for theunderstanding of transport properties. The topic of my talk will be thederivation of an effective equation starting from a dilute system ofN>>1 interacting bosons and a single impurity. The effective descriptionis given by the Bogoliubov-Fröhlich Hamiltonian, which couples theimpurity linearly to Bogoliubov's excitation field in a similar way toother well-known polaron models. In the first part of the talk I willexplain the main results and the underlying heuristics. In the secondpart I will focus on the key points of the rigorous derivation inconnection with the renormalisation of the effective Hamiltonian. Thisis based on joint work with Arnaud Triay.
2024-03-21 (Czwartek)
Jan Dereziński (KMMF)
Singular boundary conditions: theory and examples
1-dimensional Schr\"odinger operators whose potentials are singular at one of endpoints are very common in applications. I will discuss how to describe their boundary conditions. I will give various examples such as Bessel Hamiltonians, radial Coulomb Hamiltonian, perturbed Bessel Hamiltonians. It is often natural to organize them in holomorphic families, which have sometimes surprising properties.
2024-03-14 (Czwartek)
Paweł Caputa (KMMF)
Towards Quantum Complexity
I will describe some of the recent attempts to quantifycomplexity in quantum systems. After explaining the motivation, I willtalk about the Krylov basis approach to complexity of quantum states andoperators. In particular, I will discuss its applications to quantummany-body systems, quantum field theories and the AdS/CFTcorrespondence.
2024-03-07 (Czwartek)
Tomasz Smołka (KMMF)
Magic Field and zero gravity limit of Kerr-Newmann spacetime
The limit of vanishing G (Newton's constant of universal gravitation) of the maximal analytically extended Kerr--Newman electrovacuum spacetime gives a locally flat spacetime with a topologically non-trivial electromagnetic field. The properties of the system in the context of classical and recent points of view on the issue will be discussed. New results on the interaction of two Magic fields will also be presented.
2024-02-29 (Czwartek)
Michał Kotowski (MIM UW)
Mallows permutations and permutation limits
In the talk I will introduce the Mallows model of random permutations, which can be thought of as interpolating between the identity permutation and the reverse permutation on N elements. The discussion will placed in the broader context of the theory of permutation limits. Then I will describe recent work in progress (joint with Radosław Adamczak) concerning permutation-valued Markov processes whose marginals are Mallows-distributed. If time permits, other models of random permutations, such as random sorting networks and their connection to hydrodynamics, will make an appearance.
2024-01-25 (Czwartek)
Nicola Pinamonti (Genova)
Local solutions of RG flow equations and the Nash-Moser theorem
During this talk we shall discuss the derivation of a functionalRenormalisation Group equation for the effective action of aninteracting quantum field theory in the Lorentzian setting when a localregulator consisting in the addition of a mass is employed. The flowequation for mass rescalings is then studied using the renown Nash-Mosertheorem and hence, a proof of existence of solutions is obtained in that context.
2024-01-18 (Czwartek)
Jacek Jezierski (KMMF)
On conformal Yano-Killing tensors and its applications in General Relativity
Properties of (skew-symmetric) conformal Yano--Killing tensors are reviewed. The examples of CYK tensors in Minkowski, Kerr, de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spacetimes are discussed.Basic facts and definitions of the spin--2 field and conformal Yano-Killing tensors are introduced.Application of those two objects provides a precise definition of quasi-local gravitational charge.It leads to geometric definition of the asymptotic flat spacetime:`strong asymptotic flatness',which guarantees well defined total angular momentum.Conformal rescaling of conformal Yano--Killing tensors and relations between Yano and CYK tensors are discussed.Pullback of these objects to a submanifold is used to construct all solutions of a CYK equation in anti-de Sitter and de Sitterspacetimes.Properties of asymptotic conformal Yano--Killing tensors are examined for asymptotic anti-de Sitter spacetimes. Explicit asymptotic forms of them are derived. The results are used to construct asymptotic chargesin asymptotic AdS spacetime. Well known examples like Schwarzschild-AdS, Kerr-AdS and NUT-AdS are examined carefully in the construction of the concept of energy, angular momentum and dual mass in asymptotic AdS spacetime.Other applications: symmetric Killing tensors and constants of motion along geodesics.
2024-01-11 (Czwartek)
Ian Jauslin (Rutgers)
Non-perturbative behavior of interacting Bosons at intermediate densities
Much attention has been given to systems of interacting Bosons in the dilute regime, where powerful theoretical tools such as Bogolyubov theory give detailed and accurate predictions. In this talk, I will discuss a different approach to studying the ground state of Boson systems, which Carlen, Lieb and I have recently found to be accurate at all densities. In particular, it allows us to probe the system in the intermediate density regime, which had, until now, only been accessible to costly Monte-Carlo simulations. In this talk, I will first give an overview of this Simplified approach, and will discuss evidence for non-perturbative behavior in the intermediate density egime obtained using this tool.
2023-12-14 (Czwartek)
Krzysztof Bogdan (Politechnika Wrocławska)
Hardy inequality and ground state representation
We will discuss sub-Markovian semigroups and a specific method to construct superharmonic functions. The construction yields Hardy inequalities and ground state representations; we will mention recent applications obtained with Konstantin Merz (
2023-12-07 (Czwartek)
Adam Cieślik (UJ)
Kerr geodesics in terms of Weierstrass elliptic function
I will cover the fundamentals of elliptic functions and use them to derive the Weierstrass-Biermann theorem. Using this theorem, I will introduce two formulas that describe all non-radial, timelike, and null trajectories in terms of Weierstrass elliptic functions. These formulas provide a way to calculate the azimuthal angle and coordinate time along the geodesic. Furthermore, I will illustrate how these formulas behave under Schwarzschild and post-Newtonian limits.
2023-11-30 (Czwartek)
Markus B. Fröb (University of York)
All-order bounds for correlation functions of gauge-invariant operators in Yang-Mills theory
In four-dimensional Euclidean Yang-Mills theory, I prove that correlation functions of arbitrary composite local operators exist to arbitrary order in perturbation theory, and fulfill the required Ward identities. The proof uses the framework of renormalisation group flow equations, coupled with the BRST method for gauge theories. The main ingredient are bounds formulated in terms of certain tree structures, which are precise enough to treat rigorously all UV and IR problems as well as gauge invariance. Joint work with J. Holland and S. Hollands, based on arXiv:1511.09425.
2023-11-23 (Czwartek)
Calin I. Lazaroiu (UNED Madrid & IFIN-HH București)
The timelike reduction and dualization of duality-covariant Abelian gauge theories
I give a mathematical treatment of the timelike reduction of Abeliangauge theories (considered in their manifestly duality-covariantformulation) on a three-manifold of arbitrary topology. In particular, I describe the set of gauge-equivalence classes of dual Abelian Higgspairs in the general case when the naive reduction procedure fails toproduce an equivalence due to the presence of Wilson lines of thereduced gauge field. This clarifies some subtleties involved in thegeneral construction of supergravity c-maps.
2023-11-16 (Czwartek)
Morris Brooks (University of Zurich)
Diagonalization of dilute quantum gases
In this talk I present an elementary derivation of the celebrated Lee-Huang-Yang formula for Bose gases in the Gross-Pitaevskii Regime, which unifies various approaches that have been developed in recent years. While it is possible to generalize this method in various ways, for example we assume well known bounds on the number of excited particles that could be derived in a self contained way, we will focus on the simplest possible case in order to highlight the conceptual novelties.
2023-11-09 (Czwartek)
Krzysztof Pawłowski (CFT PAN)
Statistics of condensed atom number
Around 1924, Albert Einstein predicted the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation - the abrupt accumulation of atoms in a single orbital resulting from their indistinguishability. Erwin Schrodinger indicated flaws in the derivation of this effect. Although the average number of atoms forming a condensate was correctly predicted by Einstein, the fluctuations turned out to be unphysically large. This led to a debate over decades about the fluctuations of the condensed atom number and their dependence on details of statistical descriptions.In my talk, I will discuss theoretical results in the context of the first-ever measurement of the fluctuations of the condensed atom number achieved by our collaborators from the Aarhus group led by Prof. Jan Arlt in 2016. I will start by showing the basic statistical descriptions: the micro-canonical, canonical and grand canonical ensembles and sketching the derivation of the Bose-Einstein condensation.I will argue that the most relevant description of the current experiments is within the microcanonical ensemble - the ensemble which is the easiest conceptually but also the most difficult to use in practice. This ensemble applied to a one-dimensional case leads to the famous partition problem solved by Ramanujan and Hardy. In three dimensions, it is handled using the so-called fourth statistical ensemble or involved numerics. I will show our techniques, and discuss their limitations. The talk will conclude with a list of the most important recent observations and the unresolved problems in the field of ultracold atoms.
2023-10-26 (Czwartek)
K. K. Kozłowski (ENS Lyon)
Universality in structures related to the XXZ spin-1/2 chain at low temperature
The quantum transfer matrix is an auxiliary tool allowing one to significantly simplify the problem of effectively calculating the the per site free energy as well as the correlation functions of a one dimensional quantum spin chain model at finite temperature. It is conjectured that certain universal features arising in the long-distance asymptotic behaviour of multi-point functions of critical one-dimensional quantum spin chains directly at zero temperature also manifest themselves on the level of the low-temperature behaviour of various quantities related with the associated quantum transfer matrix. In particular, if a given conformal field theory captures the long distance behaviour in the model et zero temperature, than the spectrum of this conformal field theory should arise in the low-temperature behaviour of the spectrum of the quantum transfer matrix.In the case of the XXZ chain spin-1/2 chain, the quantum transfer matrix may be even chosen to be integrable, what allows one, in principle, to study the mentioned universalityproperties of its spectrum by means of the Bethe Ansatz. In this talk, I will describe how the Bethe Ansatz approach can be put on rigorous grounds for the quantum transfer matrixsubordinate to the XXZ chain. Further, I will explain how those results then allow one to access to the universal features of the spectrum of the quantum transfer matrix by showingthat a subset thereof explicitly contains, in the low-temperature limit, the spectrum of the c = 1 free Boson conformal field theory.This is a joint work with S. Faulmann and F. Göhmann.
2023-10-19 (Czwartek)
Jarosław Mederski (IM PAN)
The critical curl-curl problem
The nonlinear curl-curl problems have recently arisen in the search for exact propagation of electromagnetic waves in non-linear media modelled with Maxwell equations. The quintic effect leads to the following critical curl-curl problem:∇ × (∇ × u) = |u|^4 u,where u : R^3 → R^3 is the profile of the time-harmonic electric field. Ground states solutions of the problem are related with the optimizers of a Sobolev- type inequality involving the curl operator in R^3. We show that there is a ground state solution and infinitely many bound state solutions. Some symmetric properties of the problem and extensions to the p-curl-curl equation in the critical case with applications to zero modes of the Dirac equation will be also discussed.
2023-10-12 (Czwartek)
Błażej Ruba (University of Copenhagen)
Dense and strongly interacting nonrelativistic fermions
I will discuss estimates of the ground state energy of interacting nonrelativistic fermions obtained using an approximate bosonization method. The new result concerns the strongly coupled regime, which I will compare to the perturbative regime and the critical scaling conventionally called "mean field".
2023-10-05 (Czwartek)
Igor Chełstowski (KMMF)
On operation fidelity of quantum channels and numerical ranges of their Kraus operators
Modern quantum devices require precise implementation of desired quantumchannels. The quality of this implementation can be characterized usingthe notion of operation fidelity, which measures the overlap betweeninitial states and their images with respect to the considered channel.I present the results of my research, conducted together with prof.Karol Życzkowski and dr Grzegorz Rajchel-Mieldzioć, where we analyze thestatistical properties of operation fidelity of low-dimensionalchannels, in particular its distributions and extremal values.First, I briefly revise the notions of fidelity between quantum statesand numerical range and shadow of a linear operator. Then, I showseveral examples of quantum channels whose operation fidelitydistributions can be calculated exactly (namely, mixed unitary qubitchannels and unitary qutrit channels). Lastly, I present a method ofanalyzing quantum channels utilizing the concepts of numerical range andshadow of their Kraus operators, using Schur channels as an example.